Was supposed to be in school at 9am for marketing lecture but woke up at.... 10am.. :x~!!! So.. being ALREADY late, took my time to get ready to head to school b4 OTCM started at 11am.. reached in time and lessons lasted for an hour! Why?? Cos friday appears to be CCN day!! Hahaha! (Best day to slack!! :X)
The whole day planned out didn't really go much according to what we thought of but well.. we still didn't choose to stay in school lah.. Lols.. First went to jac's house to let her change out of her formal attire (some had presentation on friday, suay hor.. lol!). Stayed awhile more cos waiting for wenna so we watch videos on youtube and played guitar, played keyboard.. taught jac how to play "专属天使" and tried to play "我可以". Tough sia.. lols.. Must PRACTICE!!! Wenna told us not to wait for her (as she was still AT HOME!), so we went down to the coffeeshop near jac's house for PRATA! The prata there was not bad.. haha.. while eating, we discussed where to go after eating and decided to go watch POND ( which somehow SOMEONE heard wrongly and said that we were gg to watch "PORN"). So, in the end, didn't really go and watch "porn" like we discussed but headed down to tm to meet the wenna and jenny, and also to buy some drinks to mix with vodka later on. Took bus over to tm, jenny was having "Cafe Cartel" with her friend (rich HOR! Lolx!) So dun care her first.. we headed down to POSB cos some wanted to withdraw cash. I tried out how to use the atm machine.. darryl somehow 'taught' me how to use.. and well.. now both darryl and JJ know what my password is liao lah.. LOLX! =x After that shopped around FairPrice for the drinks for the vodka then met up with wenna after that. Then the rest decided to head to Merv's house, while I had to head back to school with JJ.
Reached school, headed down to band room, placed stuff then went around school during the last few minutes of ccn day to "shop shop" and to look at HAMSTERS!! =D Was tempted to buy hamsters but short of cash lah.. so cannot buy.. only can SEE.. (sad right?! T.T) Anyway, continued walking........... till business school! Bought "Ben & Jerry's" ice cream @ $2 ONLY!!! Then while ordering ice cream, along came hilyah who BRIBED me into buying two balloons for $2!!! Hahaa.. being the "kindest" and most "caring" person in the planet, took out 2 bucks out from my wallet and 'donated'. *Note to hil: I know u were 'shocked' right.. heh! :p* Ohh yahh.. then zhu showed me the hamsters she bought for her friend, damn CUTE lah! One was damn hyper while the other was as quiet as a.. mouse..? Lols..! Helped her look after them which somehow attracted almost EVERYONES attention.. (excludes ppl like PENNY who was so AFRAID of them.. HAHAHA! =x) We sat ouside band room while playing with the hamsters and eating our ice cream (we didn't want to bring them into the band room cos it was uhm.. FREEZING???) So eat and play eat and play.. then band starting soon.. so decided to take the hamsters into the band room to continue playing with them.. Heh.. placed them on our hands, bags, on the sofa.. and they were somehow "vibrating" ??? Lolx! =x Anway, band started soon.. freshies came.. blah blah blah.. warmed up then breaked up for sectionals till 815pm. Combined after that.. played "Prince of Egypt", "Mulan" and "Andrew Llyod Webber". Band ended 915pm, then immediately left towards mervyn's house to see if anyone got well.. "drunk". Heh.. :p
Took 8 all the way till merv's house, felt super LUCKY I didn't skip band to go his house cos heard that they played some stupid games.. (really, REALLY stupid games.. truth or dare kinda.. and REALLY daring kind de.. =x ) So.. in the end, not EVERYONE came out as drunk as I expected.. only bodies turning RED.. and when I mean RED, I mean RED! Haha! The girls left alrdy when I reached merv's house, the guys continued playing cards while I played with HELIUM! LOL!!! Ask me for my home video! Lolx! Damn funny lah!! So, stayed on till 11pm.. then shared cab fare with darryl and doug.

Hamsters! :D
SaturdayWent for TJC's band concert @ vch. Reach vch and saw jeremy chan! (fellow band member in secondary school, clarinetist) The concert was nice! FULL MARKS for entertainment! Hahaha! They had a 'special' item, which was somehow like a play with some band members playing the background music. Their set piece wasn't bad either.. nice performance overall! :)
Heh.. today turned out fine after all.. :pTodays lessons at 12pm.. guess what time did I wake up..???...................1145AM!!!!...............OMIGOSH~!!! Chiong like hell lah!! Was like alrdy 12pm when I left home.. so decided to take cab to school.. took me abt 10 - 15min liddat.. and cost me $6+.. close to 7 bucks.. T.T Chiong to lab after that.. think I sat down at.. uhm.. before 1215pm.. so hopefully jackson (tutor) marked me as PRESENT! Lessons continued rather smoothly.. todays lessons were like 6 hours straight lah! OTBS lab, then DBIS lect (we juz go for the videos.. :X), then OTBS lect, then lastly OB tut!! I so LOVE OB lah.. the teacher ROCKS!! Haha..! At least I heard from shermaine that their class wasn't THAT interesting and that theirs was BORING and last for the whole TWO hours (our class last week lasted only for one hour!).. Heh.. Anyway, todays tut was fun, fun and more FUN! We learnt abt "Perception" and had this activity where grp members wrote abt wad they felt (first impression kinda thing) abt fellow grp members in the grp lah.. I ended up having one of my favourite hangout place to be Business' schools "Cheers".. and WHY? Answer: Cos I go there looking for CHOCOLATE.. Lolx! (Thanks kitty for that comment aR.. lol) Ohh yahh.. and yicong managed to break his record today in class!! He answered THREE questions in a row today!! (only ppl in my class understands this lah.. Haha! Damn funny.. I can laugh at him till TEARS come out from my eyes lah!) So.. lessons ended.. 5 plus.. (we had fun today lah.. so it doesn't matter if it ends a little later.. heh.. its WORTH IT.. (: )
Was deciding whether to go for band... OR.... go watch movie with BIT SLs and ppl from Cygnus (orientation peeps lah..). In the end, headed to band room first.. then accompanied webster for light dinner at Design.. walked back to band room.. was thinking to go up to mushroom to find jacq then tell her I won't be gg for the movie.. but cannot find her.. so.. went back to band room for 'sectionals'. I dunno why lah.. but I suddenly like playing my bassoon.. Heh.. (or maybe I juz like the pieces we are playing lah.. "Prince of Egypt", "Mulan", etc..) Was setting up half way.. saw amanda.. haha!! Didn't really expect her to come lah! Lolx! Yahh yahh.. if u are reading this.. i'm really SO TOUCHED~~ LOL!! *Sobx sobx* Well.. continued with sectionals.. stupid savo drums.. come snatch our area.. DAMN YOU!! Hit ur drums somewhere else lah!! Think you all very SOFT issit?! Bang bang bang.. go bang wall lah!! :x (Hmm.. do I have any savo drums friends.. hmm..NO........... GOOD!) Anyway, moved freshies to ANOTHER area ( NO THANKS to savo drums..) to the roadside we went! Continued with 'sectionals' or more like individual practice for e freshies.. heh.. and played till 830pm.. then double reed section kept and we went tm for DINNER! (excluding weijie.. :x) Me, amanda and jolene.. headed to tm's LJS (if u dunno.. its Long John Silver!).. ate fish wrap.. Note to amanda (again) : If u are seeing THIS, pls pls pls pls plsssssssssss.......... EAT FASTER!! lolx! =x Actually can eat finish at 930pm one.. u nibble nibble.. all the way till 10pm.. hahhaa!!! =x =x =x =x (omg.. i'm so gonna get KILLED! Lolx!) Well, at 10pm.. was kinda late alrdy lah.. so three of us decided to share cab fare and take cab back.. (all staying around hougang area lah.. so convenient.. heh) on the way to the main road to take cab, told them "stories" abt how I was "forced" into the music industry.. Haha! =x
Well.. it appeared that a bad start at the start of the day doesn't mean that it would cause your WHOLE day to go all bad.. at least I enjoyed myself today..! Haha! Till nxt time! =D
Today is MOTHER'S DAY! Woke up today and immediatly gave my mum a sms.. Today.. meant to make my mummy relax.. so didn't ask her to do too many stuff.. she juz watched e tele for the whole day today.. 'breaking' for awhile to go do her work.. which well.. lasted 30min I think.. (30min for her to stop working is 'miracle' alrdy loR.. lols..)
Went to bathe at 530pm, getting ready to go out to eat steamboat to celebrate mother's day with relatives at boon lay.. Everyone arrived, so the "2nd generation" talked talked talked (gossip).. and the "3rd generation".. well.. talked talked talked too.. Heh.. :x "3rd generation ppl went to 'secretly' buy mother's day cake for all the mummys and sang "mother's day song".. well.. it juz sounds like a birthday song lah.. Lolx! Happy Mother's Day! I LOVE YOU MUMMY!!! =D
Food.. (if u can't tell.. lols)

mummy and daddy :)
mummy-"S".. well.. gossiping of course..! :x
mummy's day cake! (pandan flavoured!)

Happy Mummy's Day! :D
cut cake!
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Today was BIT freshmen orientation! So happy lah! Got to see my freshies again! That, alrdy made my day somehow.. I dunno why.. but once I see my freshies even if they walk past me.. that would alrdy make my day.. Heh~ :p Was somewhat proud of my class.. half turned up for the orientation lah! Haha! Yay! (:
Today's activities were somewhat all similiar to that of SL camp and FOC (as heard frm debbie). Hmm.. maybe they were juz reusing ideas cos projects made our brains all tired out.. :x
Whole orientation ended.. ppl getting tired, dirty, smelly.. blah blah blah. Hahaa.. hope they had fun! I sure did! I'm so hoping to plan for an outing for them still.. but.. I think they are alrdy BONDED enough lah.. (thats ONE thing that I'm so proud and happy abt them!)
There are like so many things that I am awaiting.. and of course.. also some that I am NOT awaiting..
Things I'm awaiting to:
- Mother's Day! (in case u all forget.. its this coming SUNDAY?!)
-Movie with BIT SLs and ppl frm cygnus!!! (Watching "Bridge to Terabithia"! I have a feeling I would like this show! Why? Cos its frm the producers of "Chronicles of Narnia"!!! =D)
-Awaiting the day... I say BYE BYE to my braces!! Hahaa! Look at my TEETH for latest updates and you MIGHT notice some difference in the near future!!! Lolx!
Damn.. I'm SUPER UBER tired now.. *yawns..*
Labels: freshies, love, orientation, tired, upcoming events
Currently in Biz Tech lab now getting ready for lesson which will start at another 30min.. doing nothing.. playing games only.. :x
Today's lesson will be like so 'hiong' lor.. 6 hours of NON STOP tutorials and lessons! OMG! How to tahan?! At least put the time like earlier or smth.. this kinda timing will most likely only make ppl like me start to get restless.. and hungry.. (shall go down later to da bao some pokey to eat during lessons later.. heh heh.. NO breaks leh! So muz get ready.. haha!)
As for other matter regarding myself.. I don't wanna say much.. brain cells are all messed up and they need ALOT of time to be placed back nicely in place.. *think think think..