NEHNEHNIPUPU, You can't copy! :P
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Juz got home from the new shopping mall from downtown east!

Overall the new mall was all about FOOD.. heres what i observed.

Basement - FOOD
Lvl 1 - FOOD
Lvl 2 - FOOD
Lvl 3 - more FOOD
Lvl 4 - more (more) FOOD
and i forgot if theres a lvl 5.. anyway, if there is.. i'm guessing it'll still be filled with more (more more) FOOD

haha. anyway, ate at "New York New York" and after that caught "Get Smart" at cathay. Very funny movie and if i'm not wrong, the whole movie never stopped my from showing my teeth. Its really very funny. Every part. hahaha.

I'm so glad I make myself free every sunday for the family, we're closer and we're happier (: not forgetting playing arcade with daddy today too! Pure FUN! <3

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Went to the control tower and the airfield on monday and tuesday! Here are some pics i took! :D

Changi Control Tower

changi control tower!
termial 1 (without binoculars..)
Terminal 1 (with binoculars!!) see the difference! HAHA!
the new airport hotel, Crowne Plaza
Terminal 3
planes parked on the airfield


vest to wear when entering the area..

Sunday, June 08, 2008

T2 transit area's "Sunflower Garden"! :D

so nice.. (:

Sunday, June 01, 2008

A summary of the busy/enjoyable week! (and not forgetting the amount of money spent too! =x)

After work on wednesday, had a small little gathering with year one classmates at pizza hut at tm! (:

Amt spent: approx. $16

Brenda brought me into the transit area of changi airport t2 today! :D Everything inside is so "high-class" that things inside (without GST) would still cost around a few thousand dollars. HAHA. Ate subway inside (they didn't have subway for the public) and went for a short tour around the transit area. Loved their Sunflower garden! Will post the pics when i upload them into the computer soon! (: After work was spent with raphael, xueping and jingting! Met them at tm and watched "The Chronicles of Narnia-Prince Caspian" Nice movie, lots of power packed action scenes! But i kinda still felt the first movie was better. hahaha. anyways, go watch it! sure worth every cent (its two and a half hours for ur info, i visited the toilet TWICE =p)

Went to have ice cream at Swensens after that!

Amt spent: approx. $23

Work at babw in the afternoon till 5pm then met up with jasmine, law wei, weizhen, yongwoei and jingting and headed to SCH (singapore conference hall) for Victoria Sec's band concert.. mark, kenneth, hilyah and cynthia arrived abit later. VSband wasnt bad, considering that they were also under mr tan too. Very powerful sounds and pieces played throughout.. impressive. haha. After that was supper at lau pa sat. Wei cheah joined us there (heard he had concert at vch)

Reached home at around 1215am lar! So late =p

Amt spent: approx. $17

Total amount spent: approx $66!!! >< (luckily i got PAY. hahahahah! =p)

work again tmr! muz hand in project lehhh.. but i still havent finish!!

One word.

DIE! =x